2024 Retreats are HERE!

pilgrimages to awaken your ancient knowing

Rooted Retreats are an invitation to return to our beautiful Mother Earth and connect with the power of presence. When you slow down and take time to connect deeper within, you remember your truth and receive profound clarity on your path. Our soul calls us to certain parts of the world for a reason and when you listen to that call, there is deep medicine waiting for you. Through connecting with the earth more meaningfully, we soften and it brings us back into our heart where we can live a more meaningful and fulfilled life.

Rooted Retreats are more than a wellness retreat. They are a gateway into the heart of Mother Earth bringing you back home.

Upcoming Retreats

January 26 - February 3 - Kauai - SOLD OUT

February 28 - March 4 - Sedona - SOLD OUT

March 16 - March 21 - Joshua Tree - SOLD OUT!

May 30 - June 7 - France + Mary Magdalene - NOW CLOSED!

August 3 - August 8 - Mount Shasta - SOLD OUT!

September 1 - September 9 - West Ireland - OPEN FOR ENROLMENT

September 13 - 20 - Glastonbury - Avalon - OPEN FOR ENROLMENT